What we're about at BPQ Fitness

About Us

Here at BPQ Fitness, your happiness is our #1 priority. We believe that the things you buy send a powerful statement of individual style and identity. In addition, we believe that Day Traders should take care of their accounts and their bodies.

We are a Arizona based company. Built from ground up not by us, but by our genuine and loyal customers. Your happiness is our #1 priority

The BPQ Fitness team are crazy about bringing you best quality we can find, spending countless hours testing our products before we put them in our store.  We decided to source all over the world to give you the products that we not only enjoy, but are proud to stock in our warehouse.

Trust our team of experts to help you stay ahead of the curve, and always be on the cutting edge of technology. 

Join our product revolution as we continuously challenge what is possible in your life and help you bring your awesomeness into the world.


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